An interesting insight to how bulls develop and go through growth stages….. they all have times they look a bit gawky – after weaning and during growth spurts but if they have a good shape from the beginning it will come back. Just as a calf with poor shape is not likely to grow into much. David tends to select males to keep for bulls at quite a young age – Of course we review regularly to ensure we only keep the best bulls for breeding but you can normally tell from a young age what will make the grade. Here are photos of Wessex Darrel at various ages, there were times he didn’t look great – the teenage years equivalent but from 3 yrs they really mature and bulk up. I will try and find some of him as a calf….

May 2016 just 2yrs old

July 2016, a difference in shape just 2 months after the previous picture

May 2017 just 3yrs old and you can see what a difference a year makes – really bulked up

September 2017, 3.5yrs old. He has been working, running with the cows and has much more muscle definition